First Annual FORTHEM conference “FORTHEM – For the Future” on March 6-8, 2024

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Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
06/03/2024 - 09:00
Data fine evento: 
08/03/2024 - 18:00
Data pubblicazione evento
Pubblicato il: 

First Annual FORTHEM conference “FORTHEM – For the Future” on March 6-8, 2024


Whether enhancing global competitiveness or addressing specific priorities and challenges, the conference seeks to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and growth within its community and to collaboratively shape the future of Europe. Encouraging participation across various disciplines and subjects, FORTHEM conference aims to extend its networks beyond its own boundaries, engaging researchers from other alliances, research institutions, and non-academic partners. 


General sessions: 

•          Europe as a hub for inclusiveness and democratic values 

•          Cultural heritage, a testimony of the past and reference book 

•          Physical and mental health in complex times of crisis, and economic and political instability 

•          Overpopulation and overconsumption triggering hunger, resource scarcity, migration, climate change, and the pollution of the atmosphere, the soil and the oceans 

•          The role of life sciences in an increasingly aging society 

•          The chemistry of the Green Deal 

•          The physics of Climate Change Digitization and artificial intelligence as key drivers for science in the future? 

•          Digitization and artificial intelligence as key drivers for education and science in the future

Cross-disciplinary sessions specially targeted for Early-Stage researchers: 

•          Social Sciences and Humanities – Creative research ideas and their potential societal impact 

•          Natural Sciences – Be innovative and shape the future in your field 


More information:

Conference registration form 

Call for abstracts

Conference website


For questions, feel free to contact us via

Ultimo aggiornamento: 09-02-2024 - 08:50